Apache Hive has some really stringent data type rules for the function parameters that you can provide while running it. The Hive type’s conversion operations are being used to transform explicitly to the required format and type. For instance, Hive does not convert INT to STRING, DOUBLE to FLOAT, etc. What is cast in a hive?
Apache Hive Conversion Functions
These forms of conversion functions use familiar calling functions, i.e., the first assertion is the value that is to be formatted, and the second argument is a template that describes the input or output layout.
Unlike Impala, Hive will not assist with the type of function used to validate the column or variable data types. Now let us use the conversion data type check function that is available with Apace Hive.
Apache Hive CAST feature
THE HIVE CAST module converts the value of the expression to some other type of expression. The feature will be NULL if the function cannot transform into a specific data type.
You can also use this purpose to carry a column value or a literal value to a function that intends a parameter with a distinct information type.
Hive from the Unix time function
This function is essential when dealing with the Unix epoch. This function converts the number of seconds from the UNIX epoch to the prescribed period to a string in the local time zone. The second parameter sets the data type format.
Null when casting string values to decimal values in Hive
The Hive CAST method transforms the value of the expression to some other type. The component’s outcome will be NULL if the component cannot convert to a specific data type. Convert STRING to INTEGER data type values. Fields with null values are represented as ‘\N’ strings, and NaN numbers are also represented as ‘NaN’ strings. Is a way provided by Hive to specify a custom string to reflect those special values? You can use empty strings instead of ‘\N’ and 0 instead of ‘NaN’-.
Apache Hive Type Conversion Functions and Examples
The CAST method transforms a value from one data type to the next and transforms a data type to a NULL value. Transformations to and from bit strings. The output of the SELECT from the Hive statement. In Big SQL, after all, the result of a SELECT with much the same column definition and the same NULL data appears as a NULL. This output difference occurs when the STRING value is the partitioning column.